
This table is a overview of all the methods and their specificity.

For a detail of each method, please read the paragraphs below.

RNA_wICA RNA_wNMF DNAm_Edec DNAm_MeDeCom DNAm_wICA both_wICA both_wNMFMeDeCom both_meanwNMFMeDeCom
Data type RNA RNA DNAm DNAm DNAm both both both
FS DNAm / / 5000 greater var 5000 greater var / / 5000 greater var 5000 greater var
FS RNA ICA, most important genes of most stable components, removing of duplicated genes ICA, most important genes of most stable components, not removing of duplicated genes / / / / ICA, most important genes of most stable components, not removing of duplicated genes ICA, most important genes of most stable components, not removing of duplicated genes
Deconvolution DNAm / / Edec MeDeCom ICA weighted on 30 most important genes ICA weighted on 30 most important genes MeDeCom with the A matrix computed on RNA as startA parameter MeDeCom
Deconvolution RNA ICA weighted on 30 most important genes NMF with snmf/r method / / ICA weighted on 30 most important genes NMF with snmf/r method NMF with snmf/r method
Time 10 A ~10mn ~20mn ~3h ~17h ~10mn ~10mn ~17h ~17h30
Time 1 A ~1mn ~2mn ~20mn ~1h40 ~1mn ~1mn ~1h40 ~1h45

Time 1 A is the time to run the method one time, Time 10 A is the time to run the method on all the simulation dataset of DeconBench [[XX link]]

Detail of the methods

Eight methods have been included in the benchmark as reference to be compared with the accuracy of new methods.

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