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Dataset contained in the benchmark

DT1: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma

DT2: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma

DT4: Colorectal adenocarcinoma

DT5: Colorectal adenocarcinoma

DT8: Breast invasive cancer

DT9: Breast invasive cancer

DT10: Breast invasive cancer

DT11: Breast invasive cancer

DT12: Breast invasive cancer

Methods contained in the benchmark


Unsupervised methods do not use biological references.

MT1_ICA_fs: ICA with ICA-based feature selection

MT2_NMF_fs: NMF with ICA-based feature selection

MT3_edec: Edec method

MT14_ICA: ICA without feature selection

MT19_NMF: NMF without feature selection


Semi-supervised methods use a gene marker list as input of the deconvolution.

MT16_cellmix_ssKL: CellMix semi-supervised NMF using KL divergence

MT17_cellmix_DSA: CellMix digital sorting algorithm

MT18_cellmix_ssFrobenius: CellMix semi-supervised NMF using eucideann distance


Supervised method use a cell-type specific expression matrix as input of the deconvolution.

MT8_cibersort: Cibersort method

MT9_epic: EPIC method

MT11_quantiseq: Quantiseq method